I am interested in science mediation and am or was part of various projects.
Here is a list of these projects arranged by date, more recent first.
Please feel free to contact me if you need more details or if you have any project I may be interested in!
Journalism internships
Daily Regional Press : Le Parisien 78 (january)
Specialised Press : Science & Vie Junior (march)
Online presence
active member of the Conscience group of science outreach enthousiasts
Cephalus webzine, articles for MyScienceWork
conference tweetup for CNES' "Mardis de l'Espace" and "Pint of Science"
TV series and books blog
a blog with some of the journalism exercices we did during my Master
science blog with Agence Science Presse
Centre de Vulgarisation des Connaissances, Orsay, France
Communication materials and scientific mediation.
writing scientific articles
writing quiz games for Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris
taking part in the elaboration of an exposition about water
guiding tours of "Planètes au fil de l'Yvette", a solar system model
participating in festivals and scientific communications
Conduite Accompagnée vers les Métiers de la Science, CEA Saclay, France
Association aiming at leading high school students towards science and research.
Festival Paris-Montagne 2012, Paris, France
Students and groups tours as a scientific referee for this yearly Science Festival
Festival "Les Chercheurs font leur Cinéma" 2012, Paris, France
Took part in the organisation of this Festival which promotes science through short movies made by PhD students about their work. It is organised by Doc'Up association.
SUPAERO community activities, Toulouse, France
During my engineering school cursus:
President of the Association for Culture and Arts and of the guitar club (2008 and 2009)
Treasurer of the kendo club (japanese comat sport - 2009)